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The Digital ICH Observatory aims to produce, organise and analyse information about e-Inventories of Intangible Cultural Heritage (ICH).
A network to share knowledge and practices about ICH that is on the web


SOUSA, Filomena
Map of e-Inventories of Intangible Cultural Heritage
One of the main objectives of inventorying elements of the Intangible Cultural Heritage (ICH) is the systematized register and organization of knowledge produced in respect of this heritage. Article 12 of the Convention (UNESCO, 2003) refers to the need to promote the ICH inventory as a key tool for the ICH safeguard and all elements applying for enrolment in one of the two worldwide lists of ICH have, necessarily, to be listed in an Inventory. Mostly for this reason, in the last 10 years multiple processes of inventory have begun and, in order to comply with the recommendation of public access, resorting the Web became a logical option. The Map of e-Inventories of Intangible Cultural Heritage presented in this paper enables direct access to 158 e-inventories through the links marked in countries where these were carried out. This paper presents a preliminary analysis of some of the data that characterize these inventories, and calls for the participation in the review and update of this mapping.
ICH, Unesco 2003 Convention, online inventory, map of e-inventories
Bibliographic reference
SOUSA, Filomena (2017) "Map of e-Inventories of Intangible Cultural Heritage". In Memoriamedia Review, vol 01, Nº 1, 1-13. [online] Available at: [Accessed on 19/01/2018]