Conference article
The Materiality of Interaction & Intangible Heritage: Interaction Design
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The materiality of interaction - interaction design that moves beyond representation and metaphor to focus on the material manifestations of tangible interaction was explored in the context of tangible interface for intangible heritage. This article explores materialization of intangible heritage through tangible interactions. Some examples were designed for mixed reality exhibition “Archeology of memories and architecture of knowledge” which was shown at the Open days of science in Montenegro in October 2018. A new way of co-creation of knowledge was included, social sculptures, as long as audience was willing to augment themselves in narratives of intangible world heritage.
component, Intangible heritage, tangible interface, interactive wall, augmented reality, mixed reality, affordable technologies iterative design, neo-animism, heterogeneous multiplicity, social sculptures
Bibliographic reference
LASTOVICKA-MEDIN, Gordana (2019) "The Materiality of Interaction & Intangible Heritage: Interaction Design" in 8th Mediterranean Conference on Embedded Computing (MECO), 10-14 June 2019, IEEE, DOI: 10.1109/MECO.2019.8760092[online] Available at: [Accessed 09/09/2019]