
KIM, Seulah, LEE, Jongoh
Utility of Digital Technologies for Sustainability of ICH in Korea
The importance of preserving intangible cultural heritage (henceforth ICH) for sustainable development has been widely acknowledged by international society. Various cooperation has taken place to prevent deterioration and destruction due to its inherent characteristic of “intangibleness”. Public engagement, however, has largely been excluded from the system in spite of its significance in safeguarding ICH. In this respect, this paper discusses about and emphasises the necessity of public engagement in safeguarding ICH. To this end, it suggests the use of digital technologies to create museum contents to encourage public involvement with and learning of ICH. Focusing on ICH in Korea, digital exhibitions on Jultagi and Daemokjang utilising virtual reality technology are proposed. The ultimate aim of this article is to contribute to the sustainability of the world intangible cultural heritage for the humanity through digital exhibitions.
intangible cultural heritage (ICH), digital technology, digital museum, South Korea
Bibliographic reference
KIM, Seulah, LEE, Jongoh (2019) ""Utility of Digital Technologies for Sustainability of ICH in Korea"", In 2nd Eurasian Conference on Educational Innovation 2019,
163-166, IIKII- International Institute of Knowledge Innovation and Invention. Available ONLINE at: [Accessed 18/03/2020]