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TAN, Guoxin; HAO, Tinglei; ZHONG, Zheng
A Knowledge Modeling Framework for Intangible Cultural Heritage Based on Ontology
Considering that knowledge of intangible cultural heritage includes accumulated concealed experiences in the long term, it is difficult for the existing forms of multimedia to completely represent the complex relationship among different knowledge. A framework is designed to express and share knowledge based on ontology. The knowledge of "Dragon Boat Festival" illustrates how to determine the research scope, and then construct knowledge ontology model based on CIDOC CRM according to the entities and properties. Finally, a prototype is implemented through the key technology of Web 2.0.
CIDOC CRM, knowledge modeling, ontology, Intangible cultural heritage
Bibliographic reference
TAN, Guoxin; HAO, Tinglei; ZHONG, Zheng (2009) "A Knowledge Modeling Framework for Intangible Cultural Heritage Based on Ontology". In 2009 Second International Symposium on Knowledge Acquisition and Modeling. Wuhan, China. 304-307. [online] Available at: http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/stamp/stamp.jsp?tp=&arnumber=5362170&isnumber=5362099. [Accessed 08/01/2018].