
LEE, Jung Song ; PARK, Soon Cheol ; HAHM, Han Heeh 
Dynamic and Efficient Search System for Digital Encyclopedia of Intangible Cultural Heritage: The Case Study of ICHPEDIA
In this paper, we have presented the three ways of search functions in Ichpedia, the web-based intangible cultural heritage encyclopedia database and archives system. The search system consists of simple search, semantic search and map search. All functions can promote dynamism and efficiency in the achievement of best results from the user’s point of view. First, the simple search provides not only exact results associated with keywords but also providing two statistical graphs. The graphs show the ratios of the search results according to classification and regional distribution of an individual ICH element. Second, map search provides graphical interface so that users are easy to follow the search result. It is constructed extensively by interconnecting two other searches, simple and semantic search functions. Third, semantic search is the most difficult and meaningful function but not perfect yet. However, it already shows some important implications in terms of that an ICH element is associated with other elements and its characteristics can be understood within the wider networks of ICH resources. The proficiency of our search system highlights in finding the connected elements and by doing so, in expanding users’ knowledge and safeguarding awareness of intangible cultural heritage.
Ichpedia, ICH, database, search funtions
Bibliographic reference
LEE, Jung Song ; PARK, Soon Cheol ; HAHM, Han Heeh  (2015) “Dynamic and Efficient Search System for Digital Encyclopedia of Intangible Cultural Heritage: The Case Study of ICHPEDIA”. In: PARK, James; PAN, Yi; CHAO, Han-Chieh; GANGMAN, Yi (eds.) Ubiquitous Computing Application and Wireless Sensor. Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, vol 331. Springer, Dordrecht. 679-685. [online] Available at: [Accessed 08/01/2018].