
Conference article
O valor social na Web 2.0 - O meme como veículo cultural
Memes have always been part of human culture, even before the advent of the Internet. The flexibility, access and ubiquity of the Internet with its various apps (new media) in a Web 2.0 logic, provide the ideal setting needed for a fast spread on a large scale with fidelity in a favorable socio–cultural environment. The human agency itself is an integral part of the conceptualization of memes, describing these as dynamic entities that are spreading in response to technological, cultural and social choices made by people. Memes are self - replicating units of cultural information, contagious, that encourage anyone to create more copies, as well as their exposure on social networks. Through mechanisms of imitation (mimicking) and transfer propagate in the form of links and images that can be shared. Some consist only of text, and include standard copy paste commands. By its power of fidelity that make contents memorable, by their fertility (rate at which ideas or contents are copied or disseminated ) and by its longevity, this is a key feature of a successful meme (the longer it survives, more and more it can be copied and distributed to young minds ensuring exponential transmit flow). Thus it’s easier for memes to draw media attention both offline and online and call for social and cultural participation in this contemporary and globalized digital culture. The memes, themselves, have been studied more deeply in the new media specially their propagation characteristics. Its growing popularity and importance characterizes them as a social phenomenon that deserves a socio - cultural approach. The goal of this communication is to use the concept of the meme as an analytical tool for identifying patterns and cultural attributes of user-generated content and its relation to intangible cultural heritage.
user generated contents, intangible cultural heritage, memes, society
Bibliographic reference
MARTINS, João (2014) "O valor social na Web 2.0 - O meme como veículo cultural", in VIII Congresso Português de Sociologia - 40 anos de democracia(s): progressos, contradições e prospetivas, Universidade de Évora 14 a 16 de abril de 2014 [PT] [online] Available at: [Accessed 19/12/2019]